
“THIS IS NOT COOL” Statement by Elon Musk as Attacks Twitter Over Mimics of Scamming Bitcoin of the Followers

Elon Musk has expressed his concern about the “serious problem” of cryptocurrency scams on Twitter. The CEO of Tesla has been the constant target of scammers in recent years, who use fake accounts to impersonate him and trick people into sending them cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Ethereum.

Furthermore, scams generally involve fake accounts with “gifts,” which require people to send cryptocurrencies to a digital address to receive a larger amount in return.

“The crypto scam level on Twitter is reaching new levels. This is not cool,” he tweeted to his 31 million followers. While “Troll/bot networks on Twitter are a dire problem for adversely affecting public discourse and ripping people off.” Furthermore, he has urged followers to report any suspicious activity as soon as they see it in order to prevent people from falling for the scams.

“Trolls/bots just need to be deemphasized relative to probably real people who aren’t being paid to push an agenda or scam,” he wrote. “Google still shows bs/scam pages, they’re just several clicks away.”

The issue was raised at a recent employee conference at Twitter when Elon Musk appeared via video link to answer to Jack Dorsey’s question about how to improve the platform.

Musk said it would be helpful to differentiate between real and fake users in order to protect the integrity of Twitter and restore trust in its users. “Basically, how do you tell if the feedback is real or someone trying to manipulate the system, or probably trying to manipulate the system,” he said.

Twitter has established rules to prevent its users from being supplanted and claims to have taken strong measures against scams by implementing several tools.

“We are constantly adapting to the evolving methods of bad actors, and we have made improvements in the fight against cryptocurrency scams on the platform,” a spokesman told The Independent.

“If we see content that violates our Financial Scam Policy, we take action. We will continue to iterate and improve this policy and the industry will evolve.”

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