Apple News

Apple could use its own 5G antenna on its iPhones 2020

Apple is probably to release its first 5G iPhones this fall. It is powered by Qualcomm’s X55 modem, thanks to Apple and Qualcomm’s wonder contract. Last year that saw the two companies resume their businesses.

But a new Fast Company report indicates that Apple is seeking to limit its dependence on Qualcomm. It is said that the iPhone manufacturer is exploring the design of its own 5G antenna instead of relying on Qualcomm’s existing hardware.

Speciously, the problem is the size of Qualcomm’s QTM525 antenna. Specifically to access the faster 5W mmWave version, which according to a Fast Company source is too large for the thin profile of the next Apple iPhones. As such, it is said that Apple is developing its own internal antenna system that would be better suited to the iPhone’s intended design. Antennas for mmWave technology, in particular, are important, given the relatively poor range of ultrafast wireless technology. Since 5G phones generally require multiple mmWave antennas to ensure good connectivity.

It is not confirmed that Apple will really use its own 5G antenna for its 2020 iPhones. Apparently, the business is considering two designs: a thinner one with antennas manufactured by Apple and a thicker one that would include those of Qualcomm.

Apple’s development of its own 5G antenna system makes a lot of sense since the company’s dependence on Qualcomm is likely to be temporary. Apple had only resolved its ongoing lawsuit with Qualcomm in the first place because it’s then Intel partner was unable to provide 5G chips for Apple in the desired timeframe, according to the Fast Company source, Apple still feels it is “screwing on royalties.” In his dealings with Qualcomm.

Apple would buy the entire Intel 5G modem company. This allowed Apple to take the bases that Intel had already done and continued building them to obtain fully customized. Internal modems that could be designed from scratch specifically for future iPhones, iPods, and other devices. It may still be some time before that group of modems can produce a product on par with Qualcomm’s. But it is almost certain that it is on the prospect for Apple, and having its own custom 5G antennas to combine with those eventual chips has a lot of sense.

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