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Is Elon Musk Gay? Find Out Billionaire’s Sexuality, Dating History!

The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk, is currently the richest person in the world. Musk keeps on popping in the news almost every day because of one reason or the other. The entrepreneur has been in the public eye for several years. Meanwhile, someone as famous as Musk keeps attracting unwanted attention. There have been several rumors about Musk’s personal life, including his sexuality. If you have also pondered the same question, join us as we discuss Elon Musk’s life and relation and try to answer the question is Elon Musk gay?

Early Life!

Еlоn Rееvе Мuѕk wаѕ bоrn on June 28, 1971 іn Pretoria, Ѕоuth Аfrіса. Мауе Мuѕk аnd Еrrоl Grаhаm Мuѕk are Elon’s parents. Elon was one among three children. His siblings are Kimbal and Tosca Musk. He has always been inquisitive since his childhood and loved reading books as a kid. He showed signs of greatness at an early age when he got into соmрutеr рrоgrаmmіng оnlу at the age of 12 уеаrѕ оld. 

Elon completed hіѕ ѕсhооlіng frоm Рrеtоrіа Воуѕ Ніgh Ѕсhооl. Then he went to various institutions like Quееnѕ Unіvеrѕіtу, thе Unіvеrѕіtу оf Реnnѕуlvаnіа, аnd Ѕtаnfоrd Unіvеrѕіtу to pursue higher studies. Musk shifted to Саnаdа in 1989 and acquired Саnаdіаn сіtіzеnѕhір. As of now, Musk has citizenship of three different countries, Ѕоuth Аfrіса, United States of Аmеrіса, аnd Саnаdа. 

Elon Musk: Personal Life And Relationships!

We know a lot about Musk’s professional life, which includes designing PayPay, creating Tesla to revolutionize the world of Cars, or sending shuttles into space through SpaceX. However, while doing all this, Musk was also going in and out of relationships and ups and downs in his personal life, much like any of us. The Tesla CEO has gone on record saying how much he hates being alone and how important it is for him to have a romantic partner in his life.

Musk’s first famous romance was with Justine Wilson. The couple tied the wedding knot in 2000 and stayed together till 2008. After divorcing Justine, Elon married Talulah Riley in 2010. However, their marriage could only last two years, and the couple parted ways in 2012. But they married in 2013 and divorced again in 2016. 

After that, Musk was reported to be dating Hollywood beauties like Camron Diaz and Amber Heard. As of now, there are reports of Elon Must dating musician Grimes. Еlоn Мuѕk hаѕ ѕіх сhіldrеn from his three marriages. His children are named Каі Мuѕk, Dаmіаn Мuѕk, Grіffіn Мuѕk, Хаvіеr Мuѕk, Nеvаdа Аlехаndеr Мuѕk, аnd Ѕахоn Мuѕk. 

Is Elon Musk Gay?

There are several rumors on the internet claiming Elon Musk is gay. However, SpaceX’s CEO has not made any comments in the public space about the rumors. He has neither accepted nor denied the speculation. However, based on what we know and his dating records available in public, we can assume that Elon Musk is not gay. He is a heterosexual male who has been romantically involved with serval ladies.

Also Read Is Harry Styles Gay? Know About Former One Direction Star’s Sexuality

Tesla Sued By Gay Employee!

Tesla was once again embroiled in controversy when a Black homosexual woman employee launched a lawsuit against the business. According to reports, the employee accused Tesla of turning a blind eye to the ‘rampant’ and ‘unchecked’ racism and physical discomfort she experienced at the California facility. In her complaint, the worker also alleged physical assaults on her at the facility.

According to stories from across the world, Kaylen Barker, a former contract worker at a Tesla sub-assembly facility, has launched a lawsuit against the corporation. As per the complaint, during her time at the company, Barker claims she was subjected to racial and homophobic comments. According to her lawsuit, a White coworker allegedly struck her with a hot grinding tool. She claimed she was discriminated based on her race as well as her sexual orientation.

The latest case could bring a negative impact on Elon Musk and Tesla’s reputation. But this isn’t the first time the corporation has been involved in a similar controversy. A former Black employee of the Elon Musk-owned corporation received a USD 1 million harassment award in arbitration earlier in May 2021 after filing a lawsuit against his supervisors for using the ‘N’ slur. In his complaint, the ex-employee stated that the company did nothing to prevent his supervisors from using the racial slur.

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