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Venom 3: Andrew Garfield To Appear In The Third Film To Fight The Alien Nemesis? What Are The Chances?

Venom 3: The last quarter of 2021 has been memorable for the Spiderman fans. Sony picture’s Venom 2, starring Tom Hardy, was released in October of 2021. Meanwhile, Spiderman 3: No Way Home also hit the theatres in December 2021. And the post-credit scene of the movie revealed that Hardy’s Eddie Brock was in the same universe as Tom Holland’s Spidey. However, at the end of the post-credit, we witnessed him transported back into his reality. 

Before 2018, the idea of a solo movie for Venom with Spiderman seemed like stupidity. But after the commercial success of the first venom movie in 2018, Sony Pictures Studios have been planning to create a cinematic universe around the Spiderman characters. Taking a step forward in the plan, Sony scheduled the release of Mobius in July 2020 but had to be delayed due to the pandemic. Then in 2021, Venom 2 was released, which turned out to be a success. Thus, another part of the story, Venom 3, is highly anticipated. 

Venom 3: Production Details And Release Date!

After the release of Venom 2: Let There Be Carnage, the fans started hoping for a third movie in the franchise. And after the success of the two films, Venom, 3 is a very real possibility. According to reports we have, it seems like fans are up for a treat. Amy Pascal, the producer of Spiderman films, lately sat down for an interview. During her conversation, while being asked about Venom 3, Pascal responded, “We are in the planning stages right now but what we are focused on is getting everybody to come and see No Way Home.”

Her answer hints that Sony Pictures have Venom 3 in the scheme of things. Although the movie is in the very initial stages, we can assume that Tom Hardy coming back as Eddie Brock and Venom is definitely in the cards. As of now, there is no release date for Venom 3. Sony Pictures already have Jared Leto Starrer Morbius lined up for the 2022 release. Thus, fans have to wait for a little more for Venom 3.

Will Fans See Andrew Garfield In Venom 3?


Spiderman Now Way Home brought back the past two versions of Spiderman played by Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire. The movie established that all three Spidermen are still active in their respective universes. Thus, ever since its release, many fans have been speculating that the next venom movie or may bid the two iconic characters against each other. Ever since Tom Holland’s Spiderman entered the MCU, Sony decided to leave alone other Spidermen to avoid the audience’s confusion. But No Way Home’s storyline has solved this problem for Sony Pictures.

Another hint supporting the theory is in a scene from No Way Home when Toby and Tom brag about fighting aliens. But poor Andrew, who has never fought extraterrestrial nemesis, expressed his wish to fight an alien. This might have been foreshadowing for the fate of the character. If this happens, then Sony can use Spiderman for their universe other than MCU’s Spiderman. 

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